Downloads Handleidingen, programma's en andere bestanden
De download bibliotheek bevat alle handleidingen, programma's en andere bestanden die u mogelijk nodig heeft om uw website draaiend te krijgen.
Quickstart installation package with pro plugins included -SP Pagebuilder5 pro -AkeebaBackup Pro -JCE Editor + all plugins Pro version
Bestandsgrootte: 39.7 MB Template Allura
Complete setup for the Allura template with its quickstart and template settings json file
Bestandsgrootte: 74.3 MB Template Celestia
Complete setup for the Celestia template with its quickstart and template settings json file
Bestandsgrootte: 72.6 MB
Quickstart installation package with pro plugins included -SP Pagebuilder5 pro -AkeebaBackup Pro -JCE Editor + all plugins Pro version
Bestandsgrootte: 39.7 MB Template Allura
Complete setup for the Allura template with its quickstart and template settings json file
Bestandsgrootte: 74.3 MB Template Celestia
Complete setup for the Celestia template with its quickstart and template settings json file
Bestandsgrootte: 72.6 MB