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Joomla Add On Tools
Joomla Add On Tools
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Joomla5 QuickStart
Quickstart with implemented .pro variants of all essential components of plugins and extensions; -SP PageBuilder5 pro -Akeeba Backup Pro -JCE Editor Pro with all plugins with all essential components, extensions and plugins in the pro version provided for auto-upgrade in the next version
Dimensione file: N/A QuickStart
Quickstart installation package with pro plugins included -SP Pagebuilder5 pro -AkeebaBackup Pro JCE Editor + all plugins Pro version
Dimensione file: 39.7 MB QuickStart
Quickstart installation package with pro plugins included -SP Pagebuilder5 pro -AkeebaBackup Pro -JCE Editor + all plugins Pro version
Dimensione file: 39.7 MB Template Allura
Complete setup for the Allura template with its quickstart and template settings json file
Dimensione file: 74.3 MB Allura
Complete setup for the Allura template with its quickstart and template settings json file
Dimensione file: 74.3 MB
Quickstart with implemented .pro variants of all essential components of plugins and extensions; -SP PageBuilder5 pro -Akeeba Backup Pro -JCE Editor Pro with all plugins with all essential components, extensions and plugins in the pro version provided for auto-upgrade in the next version
Dimensione file: N/A QuickStart
Quickstart installation package with pro plugins included -SP Pagebuilder5 pro -AkeebaBackup Pro JCE Editor + all plugins Pro version
Dimensione file: 39.7 MB QuickStart
Quickstart installation package with pro plugins included -SP Pagebuilder5 pro -AkeebaBackup Pro -JCE Editor + all plugins Pro version
Dimensione file: 39.7 MB Template Allura
Complete setup for the Allura template with its quickstart and template settings json file
Dimensione file: 74.3 MB Allura
Complete setup for the Allura template with its quickstart and template settings json file
Dimensione file: 74.3 MB